Monday, July 13, 2015

Final Destination San Francisco!

Destination San Francisco.

Hello there!
You made us a bit worried yesterday (first time worrying as parents!!). You were not the usual kicker you normally are. Happily all was ok, but we preferred to have things checked up! Just to stay on the safe side. 
Probably you were resting , getting ready for the big day !
You are almost San Francisco, California. 
Is a very cool place, I think you are pretty lucky to be born here, actually. 
So many places to go, so many things to do...., you will love it!
Your daddy and I went to through a lot before getting here.
I am Italian, your daddy is Polish. ( Which makes you an Americna-Polish-Italian boy! hopefully you  will not get too confused!!) Your dad and I met when we were both  living in London and at our first date your daddy told me that he was moving to NYC in few months and in 5 years time he was planning to live in San Francisco.
I was young, crazy and in love (!! I still am!!) I left everything and went with him. We ended up in California just after 4 years, with one year stop in New York.
That's your daddy.  :) Pretty an amazing unique dad. Lucky us.

Believe it or not, the weather is nice and beautiful today too! just for you, and me :) 
Taking you and Mona for a walk soon...maybe by the beach...because in San Francisco we live just by the beach, the neighbourhood is called Outer Sunset...we enjoy the sunset on the ocean every evening, you will not be disappointed.

Love !
your momy

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