We were thinking to start sending Alex to daycare starting January 2018 but things did not go as planned .
I love being a stay at home mom, don't get me wrong....but after 2 years and 2 months just at home with my boy I was in need of some time for myself.
In the past two years I have been doing my art studies on line and doing my homework mainly during nap time and early morning sometimes late at night.
One day I woke up and I was just so tired...I totally couldn't do this anymore, not one more day.
My body was on strike. Something had to change.
Went for a morning walk to Playland on 43rd and met this awesome lady and the kids she takes care in her in-house day care.
She had such a positive energy and the kids with her were so happy. I asked for a business card. Her name was Hope. Just the name I needed to hear, YES!
When you are so tired, and so sleep deprived , well, there is Hope :) to help out .
Alex joined here day care the following week, he loves it there. Three morning a week, 15 hours per week when I can do my art with no one attached to my legs.
I managed to finish my book and I did plenty more.
I am so glad I bumped into her!
I was just scared of letting my boy go.. because me and him we have aways been together, but it turned out to be ok. ALL IS GOOD.
So this is my Christmas gift to hope, hopefully she will like it!
There is always Hope!
with love from Laura and Alex
Thank you for everything you do for the most important little man in my life.